Sunday, March 15, 2009

!Xabbu Locks On

There is no clear favorite right now in the run for the roses. In fact, the whole sorting process is rather jumbled. This was a huge weekend. Undefeated Derby favorite Old-Fashioned ran in Rebel at Oaklawn Saturday and got locked in a speed duel with Silver City. Silver City tired and a 56-1 longshot, Win Willy (son of Monarchos)

There were other races that were just as important. Friesan Fire blasted the field in the Lousiana Derby at Fairgrounds. Pioneerof the Nile walked away with the San Felipe at Santa Anita. The other upset was Musket Man taking the Tampa Bay Derby with favorites Hello Broadway and popular picks General Quarters, and Bear's Rocket finishing poorly.

So with that all said, here's who I currently top ten.

1. Friesan Fire: Big win is the slop at Fairgrounds Saturday

2. I Want Revenge: Most impressive 8.5 length victory in Gotham at Saratoga last week, weak field.

3. Pioneerof the Nile: Big win at San Felipe. Easy field though. Faces # 4 next...

4. The Pamplemousse: The true every man horse. Few predicted this horse to do as well as he has. The horse is named after a restaurant across from Del Mar. He's owned in part by Alex Solis II and ridden by his father.

5. Old Fashioned: My former # 1. When you look at it, his previous wins weren't all that impressive. He may have peaked too early.

6. Quality Road: A Virginia horse (yeah!) and winer of the Fountain of Youth over Theregoesjojo and my favorite, Capt Candyman Can. He may head to New York for the Wood or to the Florida Derby.

7. Dunkirk: Pletcher horse. Lightly raced. Hype.

8. Chocolate Candy: Another West coast horse (along with #3 & 4). Except he's come from Golden Gate. Undefeated...known speed but is proving skeptics wrong on distance. My second favorite horse (behind Pamplemousse)

9. Stardom Bound (Filly): She most likely won't try the Kentucky Derby.

10. Theregoesjojo: Stoopid name. Solid horse.


In our little family contest, !Xabbu continues to lead but Poop Man, Caped Crusader of Much is making a run (pun intended).

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