Thursday, February 28, 2008

Clifton Pond Takes the Cake

While mired in last place in our little contest :), the owner of Clifton Pond Stables, my sister Becky, has gained a most prestigious award from the American Library Association.

Becky has been awarded the very first National
LBI George Cunha and Susan Swartzburg Preservation Award. Among other things, this award-named in honor of her mentor in preservation at the University of Kentucky Library, honors her work in preserving, digitizing and making searchable the Daily Racing Form dating back to its beginning.

Becky has lived this project for several years now and views it as a life's work. For a person to be able to scan the ages of pages and look up Triple Crown horses from 100 years ago by simply amazing. Becky, with her vision and passion, is making this happen.

1 comment:

Becky Ryder said...

gordonthomas. you are so clever. ydns as our team motto goes. xx rjr
I'm on my way to the Oaks.